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Dr. Jonathan Spyer
Founder and Executive Director
Jonathan Spyer is a Middle East analyst and a journalist. He is a Fellow at the Middle East forum. Spyer is a regular contributor to Jane’s Intelligence Review, and writes the 'Behind the Lines' column at the Jerusalem Post. In recent years, he has focused on frontline reporting in Syria and Iraq. He has published in leading journals including the Middle East Quarterly, the Times (of London), Foreign Policy, The Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, Ha’aretz,
The Atlantic, The Australian, The National Post, Globe and Mail, Jerusalem Report, and others.
He has also appeared on electronic media, including CNN, al-Jazeera, Fox News, BBC World, Sky News, and other outlets. Spyer is the author of Days of the Fall: A Reporter’s Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars (Routledge, December 2017), and The Transforming Fire: the Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict (Continuum, 2010). His Ph.D. in International Relations is from the London School of Economics and his MA in Middle East Politics is from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London. You can follow him at jonathanspyer.com.
Selected publications
'The arrest of Saleh Muslim: test case for the Kurdish-western relationship', MECRA, February 26, 2018
'Jonathan Spyer at RUSI: The war over the ruins' see the video here
'The space between the Iraq-Iran border and the Mediterranean Sea today constitutes a single arena of conflict,' at Fathom journal, February 2018